Weeklong Plan Draft....Comments welcome

What do you think?
Hello fellow GALACTIC Facilitators.  Here is a first and very rough draft of a weeklong plan for group 3.
Right now a working theme and name is:

Creating activism and awareness of issues of access to Water, Food, and Education Globally and Locally

Group Name:
Painting Awareness: Activism for the Equality of Fundamental Needs 

Please feel free to give any suggestion and comments.  Since I created the plan, I have already rethought some things....For Example, we could structure the whole project around the "Digital Divide"  that would encompass the other topics of food, water and education because those things are effected by the lack of technology in many underrepresented communities not only throughout the world but also here in the US and locally.  Anyway, Please let me know if you have any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions.

Thank you for looking....



  1. Please read the comments on the Google Doc to get further information. Thanks again for any help!


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